
Moldavites are a type of green to brown tektites found almost exclusively on the territory of the Czech republic.

They are a very unique form of green natural glass formed from terrestrial debris ejected during meteorite impact.

14 million see years ago, a meteorite cruised with insane speed through the space and decided to land in a tiny lost corner of the milky way, in the stellar system of a little star called now the Sun, on the strange, third planet circling around it in the distance of 150 millions of km, the blue planet Earth. It hit the ground with an immense power and formed a crater, later called Ries and belonging to the territory of Germany.

The hummongous amount of energy molded the sand sediments of this area into glass liquid of high temperature, that sprayed over the territories of southers Moravia and southern Bohemia. While flying, the little drops of glass formed different shapes from a bullet through a tear, stick to a disc. Cooled down with the air, they lost the speed and landed on the ground. They were so many, that in some areas, they almost covered the entire surface. Then, they were exposed to weather and geological processes, they were transported and covered with dust and soil and washed with soil liquids for 14 millions of years to became what they are now...

A unique treasure of Czechia. Specifically sculpted and vividly green colored meteoritic impact glass...

Because of its beauty, people collect it for decades, they enjoy watching it, cut and polish it, put them into jewelery...

Pssst: they have magical powers!

Sir Winston Churchill was know to carry a piece of Moldavite always in his pocket... And one of the Hitler's special esoteric interests in Bohmen und Mahren was to find the magical blue Moldavite... People assemble them into amulets or wear them for protection...

But, these are only legends and superstitions, and fairytales for kids, it is just a piece of unusual glass...


Are you sure?

I am
