Manager - Leader
A leader leads... The real leader grows other leaders...
The real leader makes sure the leaders, he produces and develops, make this world a better place to live.
A manager manages processes, and makes sure things happen the way agreed, tasks are fulfilled and goals are reached.
A leader leads... He leads a team to the future, he leads by example.
The real leader produces and grows other leaders.
A manager fulfills the tasks given. His role is to increase the value for the shareholder.
A leader has his own meaning and defines the direction, frame conditions and strategies himself.
The real leader makes sure the leaders, he produces and develops, make this world a better place to live.Achievements
I trained thousands of managers and developed hundreds of leaders on three continents and in many infustries. Amongst them, there were tens of real leaders who continue making sure, the world becomes a better place to live.
Author of a unique technology of proactive-sales (Alga).
Author of a unique all-win-all approach in sales (Sales by Meaning - Change for Love).
Author of unique technology CertiFun combining Learning-Testing-Certification in one system.
An amazing project fro HomeCredit India, CHANGE FOR LOVE... No one who was there, will ever forget...