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Coaching Cloverleaf

Our epoch is not easy.
We all feel it for ourselves and we know it.
Managers are the ones who always need to know what is right to do and how to get out of it. At least that's what everyone expects of them.
And that is why (we)managers are mostly completely alone in that. The higher, the more alone.
So that you are not completely alone in this, I give you a hand. I will be your partner and guide through a complex labyrinth of business and life, and together we will search for and find answers to key questions.
I have an inspiration for you in the form of the Coaching Four Leaf Clover.
Why the Four Leaf Clover?
Because 5 times 5...
Just for luck ...

Work-life ballance

  • Do you need to get in balance?
  • Do you need to find a connection and balance between personal life and work?
  • Do you need to live normally in addition to work?
  • Do you also want the right to experience joy and happiness?
  • Do you want to be here for your loved ones?

Relationship management

  • What relationships do you want to have with people around you?
  • How to set up positive and effective relationships in the workplace and in business?
  • How to take care of relationships in the private sphere?
  • How to always achieve your goals and not ruin relationships at same time?
  • How to resolve conflicts positively?

Managing change

  • How to see and perceive changes correctly?
  • How to respond effectively to changes?
  • How to create your own universal and unique strategy?
  • How to initiate changes yourself?
  • How to manage change?

Searching and finding meaning

  • What's the point?
  • What makes sense and what doesn't make sense?
  • What do I want to leave behind?
  • What is my mission?
  • What I don't know yet?

And, as a connecting, central element to the green tree of life: the stem of the four-leaf clover:

Personal and personality development

  • Who and what am I?
  • Who and what could I be?
  • Where - how do I stand?
  • What do I have and don't have?
  • How to move from where I am to where I consider it meaningful.

Who is the protagonist of the Coaching Four Leaf Clover?

Petr Nečas

  • President of the largest coaching organization in Europe
  • Founder and co-creator of the coaching profession, its standards and its certification
  • A coach with 20 years of experience at all levels of management, business, diplomacy, non-profit, education and politics


  • Top manager with international experience
  • Implementer of revolutionary projects in the field of risk management, sales and marketing
  • Polyglot and polyhistor
  • Writer
  • Traveler
  • Motivator, inspirer and integrator
  • The largest expert on chameleons in the world
  • Spiritual Father of the "Don't Say Thank You, Plant a Tree" Movement

Be surprised and inpired.

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